
Frattini a Washington su relazioni transatlantiche e “cross-continental cooperation”

L’ex ministro degli Esteri arrivato nella capitale americana: in agenda bilaterali e Think Tank su relazioni transatlantiche

E’ iniziata oggi la visita negli Stati Uniti dell’ex ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini.

Tappa a Washington, dove nel pomeriggio Frattini terrà una lecture nella sede della National Public Radio in occasione del Summit sulla cooperazione transcontinentale organizzato Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.

L’agenda della visita del Presidente della Sioi proseguirà mercoledì 6 novembre con la partecipazione all’incontro organizzato dalla Munich Security Conference, in collaborazione con l’Atlantic Council e Brookings Institution. Un appuntamento che avrà come focus il rilancio delle relazioni transatlantiche attraverso la cyber security ed il negoziato sul Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), così come la recente situazione in Iran e Siria.

Tra gli altri invitati a prendere la parola alla Munich Security Conference spiccano i nomi di autorevoli membri dell’amministrazione americana e di leader politici europei, tra cui l’ex ministro degli Esteri americano Madeleine Albright, la Consigliera di Obama per gli Affari Europei Karen Donfried, il senatore John MaCain e il Vice Primo Ministro e Ministro degli Esteri di Slovacchia Miroslav Lajčák.

Con l’occasione della visita nella capitale americana sono previsti nell’agenda dell’ex ministro degli Esteri anche alcuni incontri bilaterali con funzionari dell’amministrazione Usa.

Franco Frattini’s shots at ICD“When diplomacy gets stronger weapons get silenced” “Cultural Diplomacy means preserving identities and history” ” A fundamental of CD is building mutual trust and understanding””We have to build bridges, not to create Europe as a fortress”-“The system of diplomacy between cultures is the only way to overcome tensions””In this globalized world the US cannot find a better ally than Europe”


The former Italian Foreign Minister visited Washington D.C. The agenda focused on bilateral agreements and Think Tanks on cross-continental relations.

Today, Frattini began his visit to the Unites States: The first stop of his journey was Washington D.C. where he is going to hold a lecture in the offices of the “National Public Radio” on Transcontinental Cooperation, on the occasion of a summit organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.

The agenda of Frattini will carry onto Wednesday 6th of November with his participation at a meeting organized by the Munich Security Conference in collaboration with the Atlantic Council and the Brookings Institution. The event will focus both on re-launching transatlantic relations, using the so-called “cyber security” while also hoping to negotiate upon Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and on the recent situation in Iran and Syria.

Others guests will be taking part in the conference at the Munich Security Conference. Among them, several American and European political leaders, including the former American Foreign Minister Madeleine Albright, Karen Donfried – the Councillor for European Affairs under Obama’s administration -, Senator John MaCain and Miroslav Lajčák – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia.

During his visit to Washington, the former Italian Foreign Minister is also going to take part in several bilateral meetings with officials of the U.S. Administration.

The Washington D.C. Summit on Cross Continental Cooperation”Future Prospects in International and Intercultural Relations to Enhancing Cross & Trans Continental Cooperation”


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