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Frattini in Belgrade: EU enlargement cannot be completed without Serbia

Frattini on Serbia’s EU membership

Frattini on Serbia’s EU membership

Serbian Government’s Advisor and former Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini assessed that the EU integration process will be completed only when Serbia and the West Balkan countries become the Union members. He told TV B92 that the year 2013 is historical for Serbia considering the agreement on the initial normalization of relations with Pristina. This is also a confirmation of the Serbian Government’s resolve to join the EU, emphasized Frattini. As for the future activities, Frattini stated that he will try to advise the Serbian Government how to do its best, especially in the EU accession talks, and that it is important that he has personal relations with the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Frattini meets Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic 

Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic and new Serbian Government Advisor and former Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini discussed further activities on Serbia’s EU course. As the former Vice President of the European Commission, Frattini expressed satisfaction and praised reforms undertaken in Serbia’s judiciary. He pointed that he is familiar with the positive report of the European Commission, and assessed that Serbia will, according to him, be in an excellent position as far as further negotiations with the EU are concerned. Selakovic and Frattini agreed that it is necessary to establish system of values and criteria in judiciary, make judges and prosecutors more independent so that judiciary becomes effective and fair.

Serbia: Frattini consulente governo, incontra VucicAiutera’ Belgrado su integrazione Ue e lotta a crimineFonte: ANSAL’ex ministro degli esteri ed ex commissario europeo, Franco Frattini, ha incontrato oggi a Belgrado il vicepremier serbo Aleksandar Vucic, che lo ha ringraziato per aver accettato la proposta di divenire consulente del governo serbo per le tematiche europee, ”aiutando con la sua lunga esperienza la Serbia nel suo cammino verso l’Unione europea”.Frattini, ha reso noto in un comunicato l’ufficio di Vucic, ha ribadito la sua disponibilità a dare ”pieno appoggio al governo serbo nel processo di integrazione europea, in particolare per ciò che concerne i capitoli 23 e 24 del negoziato di adesione”. Nella sua veste di consulente del governo di Belgrado, Frattini – aggiunge il comunicato – ”si occuperà fra l’altro della lotta a corruzione e criminalità organizzata utilizzando l’esperienza dell’Italia in questo campo”. La consulenza di Frattini, che non prevede alcun compenso, avverrà’ attraverso contatti diretti con il vicepremier Vucic.   

Frattini: EU enlargement cannot be completed without Serbia
Source: Tanjug

Franco Frattini, an advisor to the Serbian government and former Italian foreign minister, has said that the EU enlargement process cannot be ended before Serbia becomes a member state, as Serbia is already a part of Europe.Despite difficulties in the crisis, the European unification has yet to be completed- it continues. Serbia deserves the fully-fledged membership in the EU as it is an essential part of the European unification. Serbia is already a part of Europe in historic, political and human terms, Frattini said on Monday evening at a ceremony marking five years since the founding of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), the strongest party in the ruling coalition.The fully-fledged membership in the European family is the only option for Serbia, he said.Frattini notes that Serbia is carrying out all the reforms for its own sake and its own prosperity, but that is also in the interest of the EU as it will contribute to stability of the entire region.A prosperous and stable Serbia will have a domino effect on the entire region, Frattini concluded.The European Commission’s latest report on Serbia’s progress is very encouraging and constitutes a confirmation of everything that Serbia has done, he noted.You will do much more as that is important for a better life in Serbia, and not because we are imposing that on you, he said.
Frattini says that the visa-free regime for Serbian citizens is a first confirmation that the EU’s doors are open and voices confidence that the measure will be irrevocable.He noted that he had come to Belgrade at the invitation of First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and commended him for efforts he has been investing in bringing the SNS closer to European People’s Parties which make up the largest group in the European Parliament.

Link alle dichiarazioni di Frattini del 22 ottobre 2013

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